
Imbued with the ethereal essence of hibiscus, jasmine, vetiver, orchid, and chamomile, this bewitching blend seduces the senses like a whispered incantation. Let the velvety tendrils of Belladonna wrap around you, weaving a spell of exotic floral fascination that transports you to a realm where magic dances in the shadows and whispers linger on the nights breeze.


Our bewitching bath bombs are more than mere fizzing delights; they are the catalysts of a journey within, a communion with your innermost being. Let the soothing touch of the enchanted waters nourish your skin, releasing the captivating aromas that whisper tales of ancient rituals and forgotten spells. Allow the magic to seep into your very soul, as the bath becomes a portal to serenity and self-love.

 6.5oz V / GF

sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, helianthus annnus (sunflower) seed oil, aqua, natural scent blend

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