
Immerse yourself in the aromatic cauldron where fragrant whispers of bergamot, lemon, and orange interlace with the ancient wisdom of sage. Let the spellbinding essence transport you to a realm where the mystical and the citrusy converge, creating an elixir that tantalizes the senses and beckons the spirits of nature, both ethereal and grounded.


Harness the power of this mystical potion by applying it ritualistically, just after your sacred bath or shower. Let the transformative energies of this body butter infuse your every pore. Surrender to the witchy allure, and let your body dance to the rhythm of rejuvenation.

Handcrafted in Merrickville / 8oz

distilled water, sunflower oil, soy oil, vegetable glycerin, steric acid, organic alcohol, palmitic acid, tocopherol, potassium sorbate, meadowfoam oil, jojoba oil, soy milk, aloe vera, vitamin c, citric acid, natural scent blends, germall plus

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