
 Shadows dance with whispers of enchantment in this bewitched realm. The air is suffused with the haunting essence of bellflower, its delicate chimes echoing through the night. Amber, the essence of ancient magic, weaves a spell of intrigue and allure. Jasmine blooms under the moon's silver gaze, its intoxicating scent weaving through the veil of darkness, beckoning the curious and the daring. And amidst the shadows, the velvety petals of rose unfurl, their scent a symphony of passion and mystery.


Our enchanting body mist emerges from the depths of mystic alchemy, offering an extraordinary alternative to our revered body butter. Feather-light, it glides gracefully upon your skin, cloaking it in a delicate shroud of luminous moisture, shunning all notions of greasiness or burdensome weight. Swiftly absorbed and kissed with a subtle scent, it beckons to refresh not only your skin but also your locks. Shake gently before each use and conjure forth your bewitching radiance.

8 oz / handcrafted in Merrickville

distilled water, sunflower oil, soy oil, vegetable glycerin, steric acid, organic alcohol, palmitic acid, tocopherol, potassium sorbate, meadowfoam oil, jojoba oil, soy milk, aloe vera, vitamin c, citric acid, natural scent blends, germall plus

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