Invoking the ancient powers of herbs and blooms, inhale deeply and be embraced by the soothing whispers of lavender, weaving through the air like tendrils of moonlight. Let the sacred sage cleanse your spirit, purging away the mundane and inviting in the mystical. Feel the earthy allure of rosemary entwine with your senses, grounding you in the ancient rites of old.
Behold, the elixir of ethereal cleansing! A mere whisper of this enchanting cream soap transforms into a velvety, aromatic lather that caresses the skin like moonlight on a bewitched pond. Harness its magic with a mystical sponge or a sorcerous pouf, as it weaves its spell, leaving your skin bewitched, bathed in a fragrant mist of otherworldly moisture. These powers extend beyond mere cleansing, for it dances upon the skin as a delicate shave cream, casting it's enchantment in ensuring a spellbindingly smooth shave fit for a witch's grace.
handcrafted in historic Merrickville / 8oz